Friday, December 21, 2012

Larry Correia wrote a commentary on Gun Control

    The fantasy of gun control has been raised again by hypocrites dancing in the blood of the disarmed who were shot, many of whom died recently in America.  Hypocrites because these same people who are releasing previously prepared Gun Control legislation (Diane Feinstein) and the MSM made not a peep about the deaths directly resulting from Operation Fast and Furious ( Sipsey Street Irregulars for those who have been otherwise distracted), or plea that only the Police and the Military should have guns ( David Codrea's "Only Ones" ).

Mr. Correia and I have crossed paths on gun forums for several years and I've been delighted to see his star rise and brighten as an author through perseverance and simply, honestly good books.  He sat down and organized his thoughts into a straightforward, impromptu essay that is quite thorough.  I concur with his perceptions and recommendations completely, and hope folks can calm down and read through it a couple of times and be the better for it, even to become involved in the simplest solution that mitigates, if not effectively ends active shooter incidents that maim and kill the defenseless in Gun Free Zones. 

An opinion on gun control

And those who demand government control, more bureaucracy, punitive legislation directed at the millions of sincere, law-abiding gun owners, rest easy: The first Amendment to the Constitution is intact, though the Fourth is on life support and with the NDAA and PATRIOT ACT (in all its iterations) maiming the Fifth I find I embrace libertarian principles more every day.

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