Tuesday, November 13, 2012

It's one challenge to row, row, row your boat.

It's quite another to be schooled, on acting out the decision to seek relief with a swim in what must be cool, sweet water that there be schools of box jellyfish immediately nearby.  This is both a time of complication and rapid decision-making.

How to build the future, carefully changing course to the demands of the day while eying the horizon circularly with the whispered prayer that prejudiced myopia not rule the day and ruin the week?  It is, after all, a lovely day.  How did I come up with the protagonist's demographic title of "Grinder" holds more questions for now.

At the quiet light through the open window - no, no screen; there, can a weigh of conscience be apt quest for calm?  The price is reasonable enough: live today well and full to the laugh of some self-consciousness and take the receipt.  No remorse.

There's about fifty pounds of green coffee in house now, barely half the stock I would were there not so many other choices and tilt-table marbles of priorities.  Word reaches even here that there's a run on canned goods and shotguns and generators; I delight in securing an eighty-year old cast iron frying pan to replace the decades familiar one that cracked at the handle.  Twenty-nine dollars well spent.

I could have bought a few shares of stock.  Some out there are of interest, with the new four-cycle beginning.

Fried chicken sounds perfect for supper.

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